Everyone knows about Craigslist by now, and I browse my local list for deals from time to time, and have also sold a few things there. But there are always some people who have strange ideas regarding the value of their items. This is a good example of one. If this is really what the market value is on Honda Fit Hubcaps, I'm offering to trade mine mint set (taken off day one) for a 3G iPhone!
Hubcaps- Honda Fit - $200 (New Westminster)
Reply to: [removed to protect the ignorant]@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-11-11, 8:40PM PST
Four 2007 Honda Fit hubcaps. One in perfect condition; the other 3 have usual wear-and tear scuffs. Located in Queensborough. $200 for all.
* Location: New Westminster
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 915627638