February 29, 2008

Budget Red "H" Steering Wheel Emblem

I was digging through the storage box and found some left over red vinyl from a previous project (used for paint masking). So I decided to use it to make a red background for the Honda "H" emblem on the steering wheel.

First, I used regular white masking tape to tape over the emblem. I then used a small knife to cut along the edges of the emblem to make the pattern. Next, I transferred the cut patterns onto a piece of the red vinyl, and proceeded to cut out the pattern on the vinyl. Finally, I taped the cut red vinyl pieces to the steering wheel. Tada! Red background "H" emblem on the steering wheel!

This is super easy to do, and the amount of vinyl needed is so little, you can probably just go to a local sign shop and ask for some scraps of whatever colour you want to use. And the added bonus, since vinyl stickers add 1hp each, I've just gained 4hp!! For Free!

February 03, 2008

FitFreak Vancouver Feb 2nd Meet

I believe this is the third official meeting of the Vancouver Fitfreak.net members. I had missed the previous two, so I made an effort to make it to this one. I was certainly not disappointed. I got to meet a number of fellow Fitfreak members in person, as well as other enthusiastic owners. We had a nice (and at times confusing for us and the staff) at Estea in Richmond, then proceeded across the street to regroup the cars at Lansdowne Mall, before a short drive to the BCIT AeroTech campus for photos. Unfortunately, we were asked to leave by security. So we headed to the roof parking at Aberdeen Mall before we were forced to leave. Since we didn't have a meeting spot after this, some cars were lost while others headed into Vancouver to finish photos at the Oakridge upper level parking.

In all I believe around 16 to 18 Fits showed up, making this the largest Fit meeting in the Vancouver area so far. I'd like to thank everyone for showing up, and Felix for organizing the meeting. After seeing all the modified Fits, it got me itching to start working on a few things I've put off for a while. Maybe by the next meet, I'll have something new on my car. Who knows, I might even wash it next time. *haha*


More photos by others can be found on this Fitfreak.net thread.